Life is always busy busy busy. It seemed what is in my mind is only work work and work.
Exhausted of this kind of life, so I decided to do something "Siao" again this time.
Dated this fellow EvonT to go to Sekinchan and our actual plan is to see sunrise as well as shoot like those Sunny, Flowerish , Happy Happy, Lovely type of pictures.
However, it turned up become like this.
It is a result of not doing homework before we go to Sekinchan, as it is their planting season,
which new seeds are planted and if you would like to take pictures with yellow gold paddy field, you might need to go there around June or November. I guess.
Pictures are satisfying so far. And if that day do have blue sky , the effect will be better.
Wish to go again. Maybe this time bring some ballons , scarfs and flowerish cap.
Anyone interested to be my next model?