Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Diary of Cancer 5

The thing I most hate and fuxkingly hate this year is something come out from the Doctor.

Yes indeed.

My dad is diagnosed with Colon Cancer-直肠癌.--either stage 2 and stage 3 .

If it is spread out to other organ such as liver-->stage 4, it will be very hard to be cure and survival rate is only 5%.

The doctor also playing the video that he captured in my dad colon and the face of the ugly tumor.

It is fermenting.

Before I know the news, i not even looking at my dad eyes. I keep avoid the eye contact.

It is because I know my tears will burst out once i see his eyes. The sorrow and the man who work so hard behind us, may have the chance to leave us soon and maybe very very soon.

You will no longer touch his rough and sandy hand or the food he brought to you even it is raining outside.

To be exact, the unconditioned love that he gave, will put a full stop by somehow, and nowhere.

For you all out there, try to search the last picture you took with your family, do you know the date?

It might be the last picture you took and no more next picture forever.

1 comment:

butter said...

sky, be strong yea.... i know it's easier for my mouth to say than for you to do.... i can only empathize with ya, not knowing how to help.

anyhow, bless ya dad sincerely.

wish everything's fine very very the fucking soon.

**pat on ya shoulder**

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